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  • Writer's pictureAeden

Started Portfolio Redesign

Hello Anyone,

Since the "Posts" feature does in fact exist, and because I find it particularly amusing, I figured I'd add a post. One to see how it looks and acts on the Wix Site, and second because... Well, you're reading this aren't you. In any case, while I'm a creative type, I've a more structured approach to the process that's made nearly everyone I come into contact refer me more towards systems and code. Unfortunately, I didn't really take that to heart until now since I figured learning Game Design as a whole would allow me to develop games should I not be fortunate or skilled enough to join a studio. Though I suppose learning code from the start would have been infinitely more rewarding in terms of freedom than as a designer.

I have a friend, I've known him online for years now, and he really stands by the belief that anyone can design, it's just that some can do it better, faster, stronger... Hehe, ah sorry. In any case, it just doesn't feel like I'm as strong as I should be, even if everyone say's otherwise.

I'm rambling.

Take care, whosoever reads this.

- Aeden

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